Mission: To Preserve the History of the Greatest Fighter Jet the United States Navy Has Ever Flown.

Dear Tomcat Flyers, Fixers, and Fans

Your F-14 Tomcat Association Board of Directors is working diligently to prepare for an outstanding reunion in Pensacola Florida. From the F-14 Association web site, select the “Flight Schedule” tab and you will see the link to a live registration form. From there, you can register for the reunion, and sign up for each individual event, depending on your personal schedule. There is also a link to the current schedule, summarized below.

The panel discussions promise to be very lively. Tom Reilly will tell the story of aircraft#1’s fateful last flight, and other T&E highlights, and we are organizing other panels that promise to be both interesting and stimulating.

We are also working to get a senior active duty Naval Aviation Flag Officer (and Tomcat driver) to be the speaker for the banquet on Saturday night. Look for updates on the web site over the next couple of weeks.

Hampton Inn and Suites on Pensacola Beach
Room Reservations: 1-800-320-8108
(Ask for Group Reservations – F-14 Association)
Gulf Front with Balcony – $179, South Side Rooms - $149

Early arrival check-in at the Hampton Inn and Suites on Pensacola Beach
1800-2000  Happy hour at the Hampton Inn


1130 Blue Angel practice show onboard NAS Pensacola ( Schedule varies)
Note: Trolley to/from NAS P-Cola if enough interest may be possible.
1200-1800 Reunion Registration in hotel lobby at the Hampton Inn
1600-1800 No host Happy Hour in the hotel Tiki bar
1800-2000 F-14 Association Reunion Welcome Reception
2000 Dinner on your own


0700-0830 Complimentary breakfast at the Hampton Inn & Registration in the lobby
0900 Board trolleys for tour of Historic Downtown Pensacola and Veteran's Memorial Park
1030 Memorial Service at the Veteran's Memorial Park with the NAS Color Guard
1115 Lunch at  McGuire's Irish Pub  with the Color Guard
1330 Board trolleys for the Hampton Inn
1400 Arrive back at the Hampton Inn

Happy Hour and Panel Discussion – Tomcat Tales
Panel #1 – Maintenance tales
Panel #2 – Aircrew tales

1900 on

Squadron reunions/group dinners as desired


FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015
0700-0830 Complimentary breakfast at the Hampton Inn & Registration in the lobby
0830 Board trolley for NAS Pensacola
0900 Arrive at the National Naval Aviation Museum -- Guided tour of the Museum
1100 Lunch at the Cubi Bar inside the Museum
1200 Free time to browse in Hangar Bay One
1250 IMAX movie
1400 Tour of the virtual flight deck and the museum's upstairs
1500 Meet in the Atrium and bring your camera for pictures
1515 Tour of the National Flight Academy if not in session
1615 Board trolley for return to the Hampton Inn
1645 Trolley arrives at the Hampton Inn
Evening Pub Crawl in Downtown Pensacola and time for mini Squadron Reunions


0700-0900 Complimentary breakfast at the Hampton Inn
0830-0930 General Business Meeting
0930 Board trolley for the Marina
1000 Board the Chase N Fins
1200 Arrive back at the Marina
1215 Picnic lunch at the Marina
1300 Board trolley for return to the Hampton Inn
1330 Trolley arrives at the Hampton Inn
1800 Trolley leaves for the Officer's Club onboard NAS Pensacola

Arrival at the Mustin Beach Officer's Club and banquet dinner
Guest Speaker:  TBD

2100 Trolley leaves for the Hampton Inn                 


SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015
0700-0900 Complimentary breakfast at the Hampton Inn
1200 Check-out from the Hampton Inn


The VF-32 Swordsmen are planning a mini-reunion, and I encourage all squadrons to take advantage of this opportunity to renew friendships and celebrate the mighty Tomcat.

In other news, in the very near future the Association will become the host for the F-14 Forums, which were set up at the time of the retirement of the F-14.

Financially, the Association is strong thanks to a surge in renewals and lifetime memberships during the fall. Thank you for your support!

Please check out our website and the many member benefits – you will see a “forgot password” option for those of you that long ago lost their password.

Lastly, we are always looking for volunteers to help with membership drives, communications, event planning, advertising, web mastering, etc. If you have any interest at all, please get in touch with me, or any of the Board members.

Please help us get the word out. Send this email to all of your friends and squadron-mates.

Sincerely/ Mike “Rabies” Rabens

President, F-14 Tomcat Association
Always, Baby

Your Board of Directors is:

Captain Mike "Rabies" Rabens (USN Ret.) – President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Captain Mark "Beaver" Swaney (USN Ret.) - Vice President and Acting Secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Captain Rob "Udog" Underwood (USNR Ret.) – Treasurer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Captain Jim "Crunch" Hineline (USN) - Fleet Representative This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dave "Hey Joe" Parsons - East Coast Representative This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Commander Bryan "Spot" Kust (USN Ret.) - West Coast Representative This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AMS Mike O'Brien - Maintainer Representative, West This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ADJ Jamie Barnhard - Maintainer Representative, East This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mission: To Preserve the History of the Greatest Fighter Jet the United States Navy Has Ever Flown.

Random Tales

by Dave “Bio” Baranek

stories-15 clip image0021 Dec 1982 - I was flying an F-14A with LCDR Steve "Drifty" Smith over the Pacific Ocean off Southern California, and our mission was to shoot an AIM-7
