Mission: To Preserve the History of the Greatest Fighter Jet the United States Navy Has Ever Flown.

NAS Oceana (Virginia Beach, VA) is home to the Tomcat Sunset Monument.   Many F-14 Tomcat Association members have asked about purchasing a commemerative engraved brick.  These bricks are placed at/around the base of the monument (photos of the bricks at the monument site are shown below).  

The bricks are still available!  The order form can be found at the Tidewater ANA chapter web site:


Thank you to Cdr. B.N. "Dog" Doyle for providing contact information and photographs of the monument.  

Construction on the stacked stone structure began in the Spring of 2006.  The monument was completed (along with the initial increment of engraved bricks) prior to the Sunset celebration in September of 2006.  Cdr. B.N. "Dog" Doyle and Cdr. Alex "Rattler" Rucker maintain and place bricks at the monument.  

Many people and businesses contributed materials to the effort which allowed us to raise enough money to endow a scholarship with the Tailhook Association which is still viable today. I was honored to be a part of the project with such a talented artist as Alex 'Rattler' Rucker! (And we still maintain and place bricks at the monument today!)   - Cdr. Doyle

Tomcats forever!!!


The engraved bricks line the monument (above)





A wider shot of the Tomcat Sunset Monument, NAS Oceana

Random Tales

A poem submitted by CDR Paul M. Pompier

by CDR Paul M. Pompier

stories-10I hope there is a place, way up in the sky,
Where Naval Aviators can go, when they have to die.
A place where
