Mission: To Preserve the History of the Greatest Fighter Jet the United States Navy Has Ever Flown.

The F-14D(R) at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum BUNO 159610 is naked. The Curator of Modern Military Aircraft, Mr. Dik Daso (Google his name) has requested Navy assistance in dressing it out. The Smithsonian has acquired dummy missiles and bombs to hang from the aircraft. We are working on obtaining some of the maintenance pubs from NATEC. What we need is a team leader with F-14 weapons hardware expertise to volunteer to coordinate a LAU-93 replacement and weapons load out. Hopefully there is such a qualified individual within commuting distance to the NASM facility at Dulles Airport (Sterling, VA) willing to undertake this effort. They also are trying to dress out their A-6E, so any A-6 experience is an added bonus. The individual will net free parking (usually $15.00) and a guided tour of the facility at a minimum. (Posted 5/23/09)

Random Tales


A special submission from Commander Jerry “KarateJoe” Watson USN (Ret), F-14 Association Member


First a little background. Anyone who has ever tak
